Distracted driving often comes from the fact that people are addicted to their phones. They know that they should not text and drive or check social media at a stoplight or make a call on the way home from work. They know that it increases the odds of a crash. They just feel like they …
Dear Ohio: It’s Time To Buckle Up!
In late 2019, a little-noticed study revealed that people in northeast Ohio are startlingly bad about wearing their seat belts. Folks in Cuyahoga County are the absolute worst in the state about putting on their seat belts. There were more than 750 incidents of major injury or death involving unworn seat belts in 2019 in …
What States Have Distracted Driving Laws?
Distracted driving, which often means texting and driving, is one of the main road safety issues facing Americans today. That much is clear. Lawmakers have come around to the idea in the last decade, and now many states have distracted driving laws on the books. Exactly what type of laws they have varies by state. …
Even The Most Cautious of Drivers Could Fall Prey to Fatigue
As you travel to and from your destinations for the day, you may share Ohio roads with a multitude of other drivers. As such, at least a portion of your safety inherently lies in the hands of others, and the decisions they make could have an impact on your safety and well-being in various ways. …
Study Reveals Discouraging Attitudes About Distracted Driving
Ohio is among the majority of states to impose some limits on cellphone use behind the wheel. State laws ban texting while driving, but it is still legal to use a handheld cellphone to make calls. The fact that so many states are legislatively fighting distracted driving is a recognition of how dangerous this practice …